April Preschool Speech Activities You Can Do At Home

Three activity ideas you can do with your preschooler to boost their speech and language skills.

Four pictures of young children gardening with their mom labelled with words; digging, planting, watering, and picking.

1: Using Verbs

Talk about the main idea of these pictures, “Look, they are planting a garden.”

Read the verbs aloud.

Point to a picture and pause.

Can your child make up a sentence about what is happening?

Did they use one of the given verbs?

If they need help model a sentence for them.

Examples “The boy is watering”, “They are digging.”

Five pictures of things that start with the g sound; gift, guitar, goose, goat, and gorilla.

2: Listening for Sounds

Listening for sounds in words is an early reading skill.

This picture focuses on the beginning sound, which is also called initial sound or first sound in a word.

Challenge: Find items in your house that start with the /g/ sound.

Does your child substitute a /d/ for /g/ , like “doat” for “goat”?

That error is a phonological pattern (fronting) and should go away by age 3.5.

3: Using Photos to Make Sentences

Going through pictures on your phone is an easy way to practice vocabulary.

Talk about the people, places, and things you did.

These images on phones highlight the activity or the action.

Use the verb a to make up a sentence about the picture.

If you’re talking about past events is your child using a past tense verb, jumped

Find more ideas like these in the April Quick Activities


Also Available on Teachers Pay Teachers (linked below)

Four pictures of young children gardening with their mom labelled with words; digging, planting, watering, and picking.