Transportation Animated Stories

Transportation Animated Stories


This is a digital download. You receive an instant email with a PowerPoint file. No physical materials are mailed.

Early communicators developing core vocabulary will be so engaged with these animated stories. Simple images and lots of repetition for highly functional words: go, up, no, stop, and bye. Great to gain and keep the learner’s attention. No Print! No Prep! My nonverbal and minimally verbal kids love these books. Stories are short and simple.

This instant Powerpoint download includes:

  • go (9 slides)

  • up (9 slides)

  • no (9 slides)

  • stop (10 slides)

  • bye (8 slides)


Q: The program opens in edit mode. How do I get it to work?

A: Switch from "edit" to "play" mode. There is usually an arrow or "Play" in the top right-hand corner but this can vary depending on which program you are using to open it. Also, look for the words "play from beginning" on the menu.

What you’ll receive:

A digital Powerpoint download 46 pages). No physical product will be shipped.

Load this interactive PowerPoint on your computer, tablet, Smartphone, or Smartboard. Recommended using with PowerPoint / PowerPoint app.

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