50 First Words

50 First Words


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I love having simple handouts to give the families I work with.

This set of handouts has 25 pages half sheets (50 first words). They include a picture of the word in sign language and ideas for how to use it at home. Also included is an introduction page, a checklist of first words, a blank page to write first words and a weekly calendar to collect data.

The words chosen were selected from research and my experience working with children.

These are simply suggested words. They were designed as a starting place to build a child’s vocabulary. Children’s first words will differ based on their environment and unique interests.

This instant PDF download includes: 

Word Lists Includes: mom, dad, eat, drink, more, done, stop, go, help, open, walk, run, play, jump, baby, cow, fish, duck, cat, dog, milk, cookie, water, juice, apple, banana, cereal, book, ball, bubbles, tree, sun, shoes, hot, in, on, up, down, please, thank you, me, you, hi, bye, yes, no, big, little, car, bed.


What you’ll receive:

A digital PDF download (152 pages). No physical product will be shipped.

To use:

You will need to have an up to date version of a PDF Reader like Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open this resource.

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