Let's Play Printables

Let's Play Printables
This is a digital download. You receive an instant email with PDF’s in a Zip file. No physical materials are mailed.
“I'm always looking for resources that I can use that encourage learning through play. This is a great resource for exactly that. Thanks.” - E. D.
Do you love open-ended play? How about ones that were created with learning in mind? Collect language samples or target a variety of goals while engaged in play. Simple to put together and enjoy all year long.
This instant PDF download includes:
Index of printables
Paper dolls
Emotion dolls for paper tubes
Scavenger hunts,
Play scenes and mats
Simple puzzles
Play dough mats
Pretend play menus
What you’ll receive:
A digital PDF download (44 pages). No physical product will be shipped.
To use:
You will need to have an up-to-date version of a PDF Reader like Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open this resource.
Recommended for:
0-3 Population, late talkers, speech delayed
Children who are non-verbal, minimally verbal, Complex Communication Needs, ASD / Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome
Speech-language pathologists in early intervention, working with special needs in preschool, and elementary school
Parents / Caregivers / Day Care Providers / Teachers / Home School Educators
Suggested use:
Home: play-based learning, teaching first words
Preschool / Kindergarten: small groups, kitchen center, play dough center, outside activities, independent work
Life Skills: High-Interest Vocabulary
Special Needs: AAC / Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Total Communication