What We Get At The Farm

What We Get At The Farm
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This simple interactive book is great for keeping kids engaged. A quick and fun way to practice AAC core vocabulary word (get). Comes in both color and black and white. Great for a coloring activity or to share with families.
This download contains:
One 6-page printable book in color and black & white
Directions for assembly.
These books can be used to target:
Early communication skills: joint attention, pointing, making choices
Building vocabulary by identifying or labeling single words
Practice communicating with AAC devices.
Building literacy skills
Core Vocabulary: get
Fringe Vocabulary: apple, pumpkin, eggs, milk, water
The books can be printed in color for repeated use or black and white to share with families.
They are designed to be used as a simple early book that can easily be shared with families (black line copies) or constructed as an interactive for repeated use and high engagement (laminated pieces with Velcro).
To use:
You will need to have an up-to-date version of a PDF Reader like Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open this resource.
Questions or Concerns?
I’d love to hear from you. Email me: Lia@speechandlanguageathome.com