Editable Picture Cards Bundle

Editable Picture Cards Bundle
This is a digital download. You receive an instant email with Powerpoints and PDF’s in a Zip file. No physical materials are mailed.
The BEST picture cards for communication books or classroom visuals. Help your students learn a variety of vocabulary, make simple choices, request, answer questions. Excellent for early intervention, preschool, speech therapy, special needs classrooms, and home health.
Includes 1,637 cards!
There are TWO sets of files so you can get the most out of these picture cards.
Here’s how they work.
Set 1: Grid Cards (PowerPoint)
Why they're awesome: One word - EDITABLE.
These files must be printed as a grid but are editable. They contain one large image of pictures (background) with a grid overlay that you can adapt to meet your needs.
What you can do with these cards
•Print as grids
•Change label (change language)
•Change label position (top or bottom)
•Change border thickness
•Reduce size
What you can’t do with these cards
•Print individual pictures
•Change pictures
•Change picture order
Set 2: Individual Cards (jpegs)
Why they're awesome: Individual cards to print only what you need.
The individual cards are jpeg pictures organized in folders by categories. You can drag and drop, upload picture or copy and paste the cards to another document (ex. Word, PowerPoint, Pages, Slides). This allows you to print just one picture or to create your own grids.
What you can do with these cards:
•Print individual picture cards
•Create your own grids
•Easily reduce or increase the size
What you can’t do with these cards
•Change label
•Change label position
•Change border thickness
•Change pictures
240 2 x 2" high-quality, real-life photo cards with label
Home: home, bedroom, closet, bathroom, kitchen, dining room, living room, garage (inside), garage (outside), yard, shed, fence, gate, roof, windows, curtains, door, door handle, doorknob, rug, couch, chair (3x), ottoman, fireplace, bookshelf (2x), bed (2x), bunkbed, crib, drawers, desk, table, stool, stepstool, bathtub, shower, sink, toilet, faucet, light switch, smoke detector, vent
Things at home: appliances, blender, dishwasher, hairdryer, iron, microwave, mixer, oven, refrigerator, toaster, TV, washer / dryer, dishes, plate, bowl, cup, glass, mug, utensils, fork, spoon (2x), knife, spatula (2x), can opener, vegetable peeler, whisk, napkin, dishtowel, hot pad, oven mitt, kettle, teapot, measuring cup, pan (3x), Tupperware, toothpick, straws, paper plate, thermos, toilet paper, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, gel, rubber ducky, shampoo / conditioner, soap, towel, comb, brush, clip, cream, lotion, sunscreen, razor, make-up, nail-file, nail polish, perfume, broom, dustpan, mop, bucket, dish soap, sponge, spray, duster, rag, vacuum, garbage can, pillow, blanket, books, journal, calendar, clock, fan, grill, groceries, lunch, key, lock, candle, lightbulb, lamp, laundry basket, laundry, hanger, hook, mailbox, invitation, letter, mail, doormat, photo album, plant, hose, trashcan, flower vase, bone, food, tag, collar, leash, bed, cage, fishbowl, tape, button, zipper, pin, needle, thread, yarn, ribbon, bow, paintbrush, paint, Velcro, batteries, flashlight, charger, phone, tablet, laptop, computer, mouse, headphones, remote, brown paper bag, bag, box, jar, bottle, coins, penny, nickel, dime, quarter, dollar, money, checks, credit card
Health: car seat, first aid, kit, Band-Aid, bandage, gauze, brace, X-ray, cane, crutches (2x), wheelchair, heating pad, IV, medicine (2x), shot, pill, stethoscope, thermometer, tissue, tweezers, sprain, sick, stomachache, headache
220 2 x 2" high-quality, real-life photo cards with label
Fruit: apple (2x), apples, applesauce, avocado, banana, bananas (2x), berries, blueberry, blueberries, cantaloupe, cherries, coconut, figs, grapes, kiwi, lemon, lime, orange, oranges, peach, pear, pineapple, plum, raspberries, strawberry strawberries, watermelon (3x)
Vegetables: beans, beets, broccoli, butternut squash, cabbage, carrot, carrots (2x), cauliflower, celery, chili pepper, corn (2x), eggplant, garlic, green beans, kale, lettuce, mushrooms, onion, peas, peppers, potato, pumpkin, radish, snap peas, sweet potatoes, tomato, zucchini
Grains: bagel, bread (3x), cereal (2x) cinnamon roll, crackers, croissant, hotdog bun, muffin, noodles, oatmeal, pasta, rice, roll, toast, tortilla, waffle, waffles
Dairy and Eggs: butter, cheese (4x), chocolate milk, egg (2x), milk (3x), yogurt
Meats: bacon, chicken, ham, meat, pork, sausage, sausage, shrimp, steak, tuna, turkey
Snacks: almonds, cheese and crackers, chips (3x), french fries, fruit and dip, goldfish, nuts, olive, peanuts, popcorn, pretzels, raisins, trail mix, veggies and dip
Sweets: brownies, cake, candy apple, candy cane, candy hearts, chocolate, cookie, cookies (2x), cupcake, doughnuts, fudge, gum, ice cream, banana split, sundae, ice cream cone, Jell-O, jelly beans, lollipop, marshmallows, milkshake, peppermint, popsicle, pudding, candy, sprinkles, toffee
Condiments, staples and spices: dip (7x), guacamole, honey, hummus, jam, jelly, ketchup, mustard, olive oil, vinegar, pickles, ranch, salsa, syrup, can, cinnamon, ginger, herbs, salt, pepper, sugar, vanilla
Meals: doughnut, pancake, french toast, eggs, lunch, peanut butter and jelly, grilled cheese, sandwich, soup, salad, pizza (2x), chicken nuggets, hotdog, hamburger, cheeseburger, nachos, taco, burrito, quesadilla, enchiladas, sushi, stir fry (2x), mac and cheese, spaghetti, kabobs, BBQ
Drinks: coffee, hot cocoa, juice (2x), lemonade, milk (3x), chocolate milk, fruit punch, root beer float, smoothie, soda, tea, water, ice
156 2 x 2" high-quality, real-life photo cards with label
Farm Animals: chick, hen, chicken, rooster, duckling, duck, duck, goose, turkey, piglet, pig, lamb, sheep, goat, llama, donkey, calf, cow, pony, horse
Wild Animals: antelope, buffalo, camel, chimpanzee, elephant, giraffe, gorilla, hippo, lion, hyena, kangaroo, koala, jaguar, cheetah, leopard, panda bear, rhinoceros, tiger, yak, zebra
Pets: kitten, cat (3x), puppy (2x), dog (6x), fish, turtle, bunny, rabbit, gerbil, hamster, guinea pig (2x)
Birds: bird (2x), cardinal, crow, dove, eagle, flamingo, hawk, hummingbird, macaw, Ostridge, parakeet, parrot, peacock, pigeon, robin, sparrow, swan, toucan, vulture, seagull, penguin, pelican
Insects/Reptiles/Amphibians: ant, alligator, chameleon, lizard, snake, cobra, spider, tarantula, scorpion, turtle, beetle, bee, butterfly (2x), caterpillar (2x) cocoon, cricket, dragonfly, fly, grasshopper, inchworm, ladybug, moth, slug, frog, toad, wasp, worm
Forest Animals: mouse, mice, rat, chipmunk, squirrel, hedgehog, raccoon, mole, beaver, skunk, porcupine, fox, owl, bat, wolf, fawn, deer, elk, moose, bear
Ocean: clam, sea star, crab, lobster, seahorse, eel, fish (2x), octopus, seal, sealion, walrus, dolphin, orca, whale, jellyfish, coral
Extra: polar bear, cub, boar, sloth, ram
180 2 x 2" high-quality, real-life photo cards with label
Action Verbs: bake, balance, bark, bend, bite, blow, bounce, break, brush, buckle, burp, call, camp, carry, carve, catch, change, chase, cheat, cheer, chop clap, clean up, clean, color, cough, cover, crawl, cry, cut, dance, deliver, dig, dip, dive, draw, dress up, drink, drip, drop, dry, eat, feed, feel, fight, fish, fix, float, fold, follow, get a haircut, giggle, give, go, grab, guess, hang, help, hide, hike, hit, hold, hug, hurt, jump, kick, kiss, laugh, learn, lick, listen, lock, make, melt, meditate, mix, open, paint, pay, peek, pick, pinch, plant, play, point, pop, pour, pretend, pull, push, put in, put on, raise your hand, rake, reach, read, receive, recycle, relax, ride a horse, ride bikes, rip, roll, row, run, save, scratch, sew, share, shop, show, sing, sit, sleep, slide, slip, smell, smile, sneeze, snuggle, spill, spin, splash, spray, squeeze, stack, stop, stretch, sweep, swim, swing, take, take a bath, take a picture, take off, taste, tease, tell, think, throw, tie, touch, travel, turn, type, wait, walk, wash, wash hair, wash hands, watch, water, wave, weigh, wink, wipe, work, write, yawn, yell
Clothes Picture Cards include:
80 2 x 2" high-quality, real-life photo cards with label
Clothes: tank top, T-shirt, blouse, shirt, dress, skirt, shorts (2x), overalls, jeans, pants, leggings, pajamas, robe, sweatpants, hoodie, sweatshirt, sweater, coat, jacket, raincoat, vest, swimsuit (2x), socks, diapers, underwear (2x), flip flops, sandals (2x), shoe, shoes (4x), boots (3), boot, rain boots, snow boots, slippers, cleats
Accessories: apron, backpack, belt, sunglasses, glasses, gloves, mittens, beanie, hat (2x), cap, crown, helmet, party hat, pirate hat, police cap, straw hat, visor, headband, mask, purse, suitcase, scarf (2x), tie, wallet, watch, wig
Jewelry: bracelet (3x), earrings (2x), necklace, ring (2x)
95 2 x 2" high-quality, real-life photo cards with label
Toys: action figure, animal hospital, ball (2x) stacking ball, stretchy ball, ball and hammer, gumball machine, ball tower, ball toy, balloon, Barbie, bath toys, blocks (2x), game, bowling, bubbles, bucket, bus, car (3x), car toy, cards, Cariboo, cash register, chess, Connect Four, crayons, dice, doll, dollhouse, Don’t Break the Ice, dress-up, finger puppets, fishing pole, jacks, Jenga, jump rope, jump house, jumping frog, Kerplunk, kite, Legos, farm, pirate ship, playground, blocks (magnetic), mailbox, marbles, Mickey car, microphone, Minion, Mr. Potato Head, music instruments, pegs and hammer, piano, piggy bank, Play-Doh, play figures, food, microwave, Pop-Up Pirate, pop-up toy, ball popper, puppet, puzzle, rattle, rubber ducky, sand toys, shape sorter, Slinky, squirt gun, stacking cups, stacking rings, Star Wars, spaceship, stickers, stuffed animal, Thinkertoys, top (2x), train (2x), toys, trampoline, truck (2x) video game, wand, windup toy, yo-yo, Zingo, Zoob
242 2 x 2" high-quality, real-life photo cards with label
School: school, classroom, office, hallway, nurse, bathroom, cafeteria, gym, computer lab, library, art, story time, recess, reading, math, science, student, teacher, circle, class, friends, locker, backpack, lunch, tray, book
School / Art Supplies: book, books, binder, paper (2x), crayon, markers, chalk, pencil, pen, highlighter, Sharpie, pencil sharpener, eraser, scissors, glue stick, glue, tape, stapler, paperclips, tack, clip, rubber bands, ruler, protractor, calculator, globe, tablet, computer, headphones, chair, desk, table, whiteboard
Colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, black, gray, pink, brown, silver, gold
Pattern Block Shapes: hexagon, rhombus, skinny rhombus, square, trapezoid, triangle
Basic Shapes: circle, heart, heptagon, hexagon, octagon, oval, parallelogram, pentagon, rectangle, rhombus, square, star, trapezoid, triangle (3x). (solid black and outlined)
Lower Case Alphabet: a-z
Upper Case Alphabet: A-Z
Numbers: 0-31, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100
Music: music instruments, banjo, cello, bongo, clarinet, drum, drums, flute, guitar, harm, horn, piano, recorder, saxophone, triangle, tuba, ukulele, violin, xylophone
PE / Sports: ball, baseball, baseball bat, basketball, basketball hoop, football, golf, tennis, soccer ball, goal, volleyball, skateboard, weight, tennis shoes, whistle, stopwatch, ribbon, trophy, team, coach
136 2 x 2" high-quality, real-life photo cards with label
People: baby, girl, boy, kids, dad, grandfather, mom, grandmother, grandparents, family (3x), man (2x), woman (2x), bride, groom, brother/sister, twins
Body Parts: ear, elbow, eyelashes, eyes, feet, braid, hair, back, hand, face, knee, mouth, neck, nose, bones, teeth, throat, thumb, toes, tongue
Emotions: board, brave, confused, excited, happy, hopeful, hungry, jealous, lonely, mad, nervous, overwhelmed, sad, shocked, shy, silly, surprised, unsure, upset, worried
Occupations/People: architect, artist, barber, baseball player, basketball, player, cashier, cheerleader, clown, coach, construction worker, cowboy, dentist, detective, doctor, farmer, fire fighter, football player, garbage collector, graduate, gymnast, hikers, hockey player, ice skater, custodian, king, lifeguards, mail carrier, nurse, patient, pirate, pitcher, plumber, police officer, prince, princess, project manager, queen, receptionist, journalist, thief, scientist, scuba diver, skier, snowboarder, soccer player (2x), solider, superhero, surfer, surgeon, swimmer, teacher, team, umpire, veterinarian, waitress
Tools: axe, drill, hammer, ladder, level, matches, nail, pliers, rake, saw, screw, screwdriver, snow shovel, shovel, tape measure, toolbelt, toolbox, wheelbarrow, wood, wrench
Places and Nature Picture Cards include:
112 2 x 2" high-quality, real-life photo cards with label
Places: airport, apartments, aquarium, bank, barber, barn, bridge, campground, castle, church, city, country, dentist, desert, doctor, farmers market, grocery store, baseball field, basketball court, golf course, soccer field, football stadium, tennis court, hospital, hotel, library, mall, theater, museum, neighborhood, office building, palace, park, playground, restaurant, school, temple, waiting room, zoo, crosswalk, curb, elevators, escalators, lamppost, parking lot, ramp, walk,
Nature: acorn, bamboo, bark, bay, beach, bush, cactus, cave, cliff, cloud, dirt, Earth, feather, fire, blossom, flower (daisy), flower (sunflower), rose, flower (tulip), flower, fog, forest, grass, iceberg, island, lake, leaf, leaves, lightning, log, moon, mountains, nest, ocean, trail, pinecones, planets, pond, rainbow, reef, river, rocks, sand, shells, smoke, snow, snowflake, stars, sticks, storm, stream, sunrise, sunset, sun, thorns, tree (Pine tree), tree (palm tree), tree, twig, vine, volcano, water, wave, wind
Transportation Picture Cards include:
56 2 x 2" high-quality, real-life photo cards with label
Transportation: airplane, ambulance, bike, boat, bulldozer, bus (2x), school bus, camper (2x), canoe, car, crane, dump truck, fire truck, garbage truck, helicopter, hot-air balloon, jeep, jet, kayak, limo, moped, truck, police car, raft, rocket, rowboat, sailboat, scooter, ship, shuttle, skateboard, spaceship, stroller, submarine, subway, tank, taxicab, tractor, train (2x), tram, tricycle, van, wagon, yacht, anchor, steering wheel, stop sign, tire, train track
Basic Concept pictures Include:
120 2 x 2" high-quality, real-life photo cards with the label
Basic Concepts: on, in, next to, by, between, in front, behind, through, top, bottom, over, under, beginning, middle, end, first, second, third, fourth, last, on, off, turn on, turn off, open, closed, good, bad, yes, no, right, wrong, go, slow down, stop, don’t, up, down, front, back, hot, cold, wet, dry, long, short, sharp, dull, clean, dirty, fast, slow, big, little, large, small, near, far, tiny, huge, old, new, happy, sad, hard, soft, heavy, light, empty, full, light, dark, day, night, asleep, awake, tall, short, quiet, loud, north, south, east, west, left, right, upside down, center, together, apart, same, different, straight, crooked, bent, curly, thick, thin, wide, narrow, one, few, some, all, many, more, most, less, least, none, equal