Phonemic Awareness Photo Cards

Phonemic Awareness Photo Cards
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Wish I had these photo cards years ago. So many kids need help with phonemic and phonological awareness skills. Target sound discrimination, rhyming, segmenting, blending and more.
This instant PDF download includes:
Binder cover
Phonemic Awareness Hierarchy with prompts
Training materials (same/different, beginning/end, first last cards)
24 Letter / Sound Cards
3 Segmenting / Blending Mats
112 real photo cards (28 - two word rhyming sets, 14 - four word rhyming sets)
Bingo boards
Photo Cards:
aw: saw, paw,
oke: soak, poke
ick: sick, pick
ie: sky, pie
og: dog, log, hog, fog
ice: rice, ice, dice, mice
2 Words
ab: cab, crab
ack: sack, tack
ad: sad, mad
ag: bag, rag
ake: shake (milkshake), cupcake
ail: pail, kale
all: ball, wall
alk: chalk, hawk
ed: bed, red
eg: beg, peg
en: men, hen
st: vest, chest
It: kit, knit
one: bone, pinecone
op: top, mop
ose: nose, hose
ot: pot, rot
up: tub, cub
un: bun, run
ut, nut, hut
4 Words
am: ham, jam, clam, ram
an: can, fan, pan, man
ap: cap, map, clap, nap
ar: jar, star, (gold)bar, car
at: cat, mat, hat, bat
ee: tea, tree, bee, key
ill: hill, grill, pill, drill
in: win, tin, pin, fin
ing: king, ring, swing, string
ip: dip, zip, ship, clip
oat: coat, boat, goat, float
ug: rug, bug, mug, jug
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A digital PDF download (51 pages). No physical product will be shipped.
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