Sequencing Cards Life Skills

Sequencing Cards Life Skills


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"My students and I loved using this product. The students arranged the cards in the correct order and then wrote about the topic in their journals. This activity is awesome!” - D. K.

These versatile sequencing cards are a great go-to resource that can target a variety of speech and language skills. Help students with basic concepts (temporal order), grammar and syntax (past tense -ed, present tense -ing), expanding sentence length, and oral language (story retelling), early literacy (writing prompts).

These colorful pictures of familiar daily routines also make great visuals for activities of daily living (ADLs).

Choose between 3 difficulty levels, 3 - 4 - 6 cards.

60 cards (2 1/2” x 3 1/4”)

This set of 10 decks includes:

  • Morning Routine

  • Making the Bed

  • Making Cereal

  • Grocery Shopping

  • Washing Hands

  • Making a Sandwich

  • Doing Laundry

  • Making Pizza

  • Doing the Dishes

  • Going to Bed

More recommendations for using these sequencing story cards.

  • before and after

    first, next, last 

    describing pictures

    exclusion, what doesn’t belong (include a picture from a different story)

    speech carryover (articulation or fluency)

Note: There is no answer key as there can be more than one correct answer.

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