February Preschool Activities You Can Do At Home

Three activities ideas you can do with your preschooler to boost their speech and language skills.

A young, warmly dressed girl with a blanket, mug with warm drink, and tall brown boots.

1: What is this used for?

Stating the function of objects means telling what they do or what you do with them.

This helps to build vocabulary and skills for describing things.

Instead of just teaching your child the name of something “This is a blanket”, add more meaning “This is a blanket, it keeps you warm.

Challenge: Can your child find objects based on what we do with them? “Find thing we eat”.

A side view of a puppy with arrows pointing to labelled body parts.

2: Naming the Parts of Things

A great way to expand vocabulary is to teach the parts of something.

Talk about this puppy, 

  • What parts do we both have in common? (head, nose).

  • What are parts that puppies have that we don’t? (paw, tail).

You can also use this page to practice possessive s, “That’s the puppy’s belly.

A group of paired objects that all begin with the letter V.

3: Matching

Matching pictures is one way to talk about how two are the same.

Understanding what “the same” means is a basic concept of comparison.

This can also be used for size concepts big and little.

Note: If your child is working on speech, practice their initial /v/ speech sound.

Challenge: What things do you have at home that are the same? (cups, spoons, socks)

Find more ideas like these in the February Quick Activities


Also Available on Teachers Pay Teachers (linked below)

Activity IdeasLia Kurtin