January Early Intervention Activities You Can Do At Home

Three activities ideas you can do with your toddler to boost their speech and language skills.

Image of three winter hats.

1: Repeat a Target Word (example: hat)

Fill a box or basket with your family’s winter hats. Let your child have fun trying them on in front of a mirror.

Saying the word “hat” often as they play.

“That hat is soft”

“Ohhh, a big hat!”

“Your hat is red”

Tip: The vocabulary word “hat” can be practiced year-round. What other kinds of hats are there?

Image of two young boys sitting side by side pointing to pictures in a book.

2: Spend Time with Books.

Reading books together is a great way to build your child’s vocabulary.

Here are some tips to make the most out of this time together.

  • First, gather books with a similar topic, for example, winter stories. Libraries are a great resource for finding themed books.

  • Then, write down a few words to practice that your child might not be saying yet, like “hat” or “cold”. Keep these words in mind as you’re looking through the books. Be sure to use these words are you’re talking about the pictures.

  • Finally, encourage your child to use the words on their own or when imitating you. For example, point to a hat, then wait and look at your child to see if they respond. Give them at least 5 seconds, maybe longer if they need it. If they don’t say “hat” (or attempt it) then say the word for them with an encouraging tone.

Tip: Remember, improving speech and language skills isn’t always about what your child can say. Reading books together is a great time for them listen to YOU. Have fun! Reading is fun, not work.

Image of a toddler reading a book

3: Check for Actions with Objects

If you hand your child a book, what do they do with it?

Do they put it in their mouth?

Toss it in the air?

Open it and pretend to read?

When kids use (or pretend to use) an object the way you would,

then you know they understand the purpose of it.

Try some more objects.

What do they do with a cup?

A toothbrush?

A shoe?

Find more ideas like these in the January Quick Activities for Early Intervention.


Also Available on Teachers Pay Teachers (linked below)

Activity IdeasLia Kurtin