January Preschool Activities You Can Do At Home

Three activity ideas you can do with your child to boost their speech and language skills.

1: Talk about the pictures in books.

One of my favorite things about children’s books is the illustrations.

These visuals are great for building language.

Talking about what’s happening before reading the words is a great way to engage young kids who aren’t reading yet.

Make a game out of it! Use the pictures to play I Spy.

  • Can you find the boots?

  • Do you see any mittens?

Tip: Have them ask you to find something.

2: Listen for sounds in words.

Help your child get ready to read by listening for sounds in words.

Pick a letter sound to listen for (maybe the first letter of their name).

How many things can you find that start with that sound?

  • Talk about what they see with that sound when you’re on a walk.

  • Go on a scavenger hunt and find things around the house.

  • Grab a box or basket and start a collection of things with that letter sound.

Tip: Draw or cut out the letter and hang it on the fridge so they can connect the sound with the written symbol for the letter.

3: Learn about emotions and how to recognize them.

Teaching feeling words can help kids understand their emotions.

Practice reading body language by pointing out what the we do with our eyes, mouth, shoulders, hands, etc. when we feel happy, surprised, scared, or mad.

  • Talk about the emotions of characters in books. Can you tell by the picture how the character feels?

  • Have your child act out different feelings with their body. Now you take a turn.

Find more ideas like these in the January Quick Activities for Preschool


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Activity IdeasLia Kurtin