March Early Intervention Speech Activities You Can Do At Home
Three activity ideas you can do with your toddler to boost their speech and language skills.
1: Naming Things in Nature
What’s a better way to learn about nature than to get out in it? Hands-on (seeing, feeling, hearing, smelling) is a great for learning.
Does your child know all these words?
Can you find these things outside?
Bring this picture with you and make it a fun scavenger hunt.
Tip: Teach vocabulary from the environment at different times of day (day/night) or as the seasons change.
2: Things That Go “In”
Just like the nouns above, kids learn prepositions like “in” through real life experiences.
Putting toys ”in” a toybox is a simple way to use daily routines to build vocabulary.
Think about words that would be helpful for your child to know.
Can you build a daily routine around that word?
3: Identifying Sounds.
Hiding toys in containers is a common activity in speech therapy.
You can have the child Guess What’s Under the Cup by making its sound (ex. Moo Moo).
Or, you could describe the object and see if they can guess.
“It’s an animal. It gives us milk. It says, Moo. Moo.”
Try this activity at home with small animals and vehicles.