Reduce toddler frustration by teaching sign language in daily routines: Part 5 Descriptions and Locations
Ideas for using "up" in sign language during daily routines
Daily Activities: when child wants to be picked up.
Daily Activities: walk up the stairs.
Play: during play, lift child up into the air.
Play: blow bubbles or throw a ball up high.
Play: when stacking cups or blocks.
Going Out: comment on items up high in the grocery store.
Ideas for using "down" in sign language during daily routines
Daily Activities: when child wants to be put down.
Daily Activities: walk down the stairs.
Play: during play, tip child upside down.
Play: rolls a ball or car down a ramp.
Play: play Ring Around the Rosie.
Going Out: roll down a hill at the park.
Ideas for using "hot" in sign language during daily routines
Daily Activities: talk about hot water when washing hands or taking a bath.
Daily Activities: comment and blow on food that is hot.
Life Skills: show your child home items that may be hot and dangerous. Careful Hot!
Books: point to things that are hot.
Going Out: talk about the hot sun and cool shade at the park.
Ideas for using "big" in sign language during daily routines
Play: play the How Big is Baby? game. You say, “How big is (child’s name) and see if your child will imitate you holding arms out and say “Sooo big!”.
Life Skills: following directions, ex. “Get the big cup”.
Books: point to pictures that are big, ex. big elephant, big balloon, big truck.
Ideas for using "in" in sign language during daily routines
Daily Activities: when getting dressed ex. put your hand/foot/head in.
Play: put toys in containers, ex. shape sorters and puzzles.
Life Skills: put dirty clothes in the laundry basket or washer.
Life Skills: help put dishes in the dishwasher.
Life Skills: throw garbage in the trash can.
Going Out: getting in the car.
Read more ways to reduce toddler frustration by teaching sign language
Part 5 - Descriptions and Locations