Reduce toddler frustration by teaching sign language in daily routines: Part 5 Descriptions and Locations


Early language parent handouts sign language up.png

Ideas for using "up" in sign language during daily routines

  • Daily Activities: when child wants to be picked up.

  • Daily Activities: walk up the stairs.

  • Play: during play, lift child up into the air.

  • Play: blow bubbles or throw a ball up high.

  • Play: when stacking cups or blocks.

  • Going Out: comment on items up high in the grocery store.

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Ideas for using "down" in sign language during daily routines

  • Daily Activities: when child wants to be put down.

  • Daily Activities: walk down the stairs.

  • Play: during play, tip child upside down.

  • Play: rolls a ball or car down a ramp.

  • Play: play Ring Around the Rosie.

  • Going Out: roll down a hill at the park.

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Ideas for using "hot" in sign language during daily routines

  • Daily Activities: talk about hot water when washing hands or taking a bath.

  • Daily Activities: comment and blow on food that is hot.

  • Life Skills: show your child home items that may be hot and dangerous. Careful Hot!

  • Books: point to things that are hot.

  • Going Out: talk about the hot sun and cool shade at the park.

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Ideas for using "big" in sign language during daily routines

  • Play: play the How Big is Baby? game. You say, “How big is (child’s name) and see if your child will imitate you holding arms out and say “Sooo big!”.

  • Life Skills: following directions, ex.  “Get the big cup”.

  • Books: point to pictures that are big, ex. big elephant, big balloon, big truck.

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Ideas for using "in" in sign language during daily routines

  • Daily Activities: when getting dressed ex. put your hand/foot/head in.

  • Play: put toys in containers, ex. shape sorters and puzzles.

  • Life Skills: put dirty clothes in the laundry basket or washer.

  • Life Skills: help put dishes in the dishwasher.

  • Life Skills: throw garbage in the trash can.

  • Going Out: getting in the car.

Read more ways to reduce toddler frustration by teaching sign language

Part 1 - Social Words

Part 2 - Things

Part 3 - Actions

Part 4 - People

Part 5 - Descriptions and Locations