Reduce Toddler Frustration by Teaching Sign Language. Part 1: Social Words

Early language parent handouts sign language hi.png

Ideas for using "hi" in sign language during daily routines.

  • Daily Activities: Greeting people who come over.

  • Play: Pretend play with dolls, stuffed animals, puppets, plastic animals, favorite characters.

  • Social Skills: Saying “hi” when someone says "hi" to you.

Early language parent handouts sign language please.png

Ideas for using "please" in sign language during daily routines

  • Daily Activities: Say “please” during snacks and meals.

  • Going Out: At the park, ex. when asking to be pushed on the swing.

  • Going Out: When ordering at a restaurant.

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Ideas for using "more" in sign language during daily routines

  • Daily Activities: Ask for more during snacks and meals.

  • Play: Request more bubbles, wind-up toys or blowing up balloons.

  • Play: When playing tickle or blowing raspberries on tummy.


Early language parent handouts sign language done.png

Ideas for using "done" in sign language during daily routines

  • Daily Activities: Use after snacks and meals.

  • Daily Activities: After a diaper change, taking a bath or washing hands.

  • Life Skills: During cleanup when putting away toys.

Early language parent handouts sign language bye.png

Ideas for using "bye" in sign language during daily routines

  • Play: Pretend play with dolls, stuffed animals, puppets, plastic animals, favorite characters.

  • Life Skills: Saying “hi” to the mailman or garbage man

  • Going Out: Saying “hi” to people you know in your community, ex. Librarian.

Read more ways to reduce toddler frustration by teaching sign language

Part 1 - Social Words

Part 2 - Things

Part 3 - Actions

Part 4 - People

Part 5 - Descriptions and Locations