Farm Themed Resources
What is in the Barn? - Printable
Farm vocabulary: barn, horse, cow, sheep, chicken, pig
Printable PDF
Increase engagement with interactive velcro pieces
Visuals for sign language
Includes both color and black and white copies
What is in the Barn? - Digital Book
Farm vocabulary: barn, horse, cow, sheep, chicken, pig
Digital - Interactive PDF
No print
No prep
Three levels of difficulty
He Had A Farm - Printable
Based on the song Old MacDonald Had a Farm
Farm vocabulary: horse, cow, sheep, pig, chicken, duck
Early communication skills: joint attention, pointing
Building vocabulary by identifying or labeling single words
Answering simple “wh” questions (What, Where, Who)
Making personal connections to texts
Building print awareness
Practice core words on AAC devices
core words: he, had
includes Go Talk 9+ board
Sign and Say Animals
Farm vocabulary: horse, cow, donkey, goat, sheep, pig, rooster, chicken, duck, mouse
Real-life photo with American Sign Language (ASL) image, and label included for each word.
You receive BOTH printable and no-print versions of the books.
Printable books for hands-on learning.
No-print version. An interactive PDF you can carry with you on your computer or tablet (Smartboards or Smartphones too!)
Animal Picture Cards
Farm vocabulary: chick, hen, chicken, rooster, duckling, duck, duck, goose, turkey, piglet, pig, lamb, sheep, goat, llama, donkey, calf, cow, pony, horse
Make simple choices, requests, answer questions
Category Picture Cards
Farm vocabulary: horse, sheep, goat, rooster, donkey, llama, duck, goose
Practice sorting
Includes picture cards and written words
Association Picture Cards
Farm vocabulary: cow/milk, chicken/egg, farmer/tractor
Practice matching associated pictures and words.
Includes picture cards and written words
More Resources with Farm Vocabulary
Includes: chicken, horse, cow, mouse, duckling, rooster, cat, chick, dog, pony, pig, piglet, fly, sheep, donkey, duck, goat, rabbit, kitten