Category Photo Cards

Category Photo Cards
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These cards and labels were created with a simple design to maximize versatility. Make them once and use them all year long.
Adapt them for changing seasons or themes using props and containers.
Pair them with turn-taking games or a child’s special interests to increase motivation.
This instant PDF download includes:
•216 real photo cards
•216 word cards
•80 category labels (singular and plural forms)
•14 general category labels
•7 written prompts
•1 all in one language worksheet
•9 pages of data collection sheets
•Examples for use
Use these cards:
•With pre-k through adults
•As an independent task
•With mixed groups.
Vary difficulty:
•For younger children pair photo cards with real objects
•For older children and adults use written words
Photo Cards Include:
Fruits: peach, pear, cherries, raspberries, kiwi, limes, cantaloupe, coconut
Vegetables: tomato, bell pepper, chili pepper, celery, peas, zucchini, green beans, mushrooms, beans, lettuce, onion, cauliflower, potato, butternut squash, sweet potato
Grains: croissant, oatmeal, muffin, waffle, crackers, tortilla, rice, pasta
Dairy: scrambled eggs, yogurt, cheese, ice cream sundae
Meat: hotdog, sausage, steak, ham
Sweets: chocolate, cookie, lollipop, pie
Drinks: lemonade, chocolate milk, orange juice, soda / pop / coke
Farm Animals: horse, sheep, goat, rooster, donkey, llama, duck, goose
Zoo Animals: kangaroo, camel, leopard, chimpanzee, lion, panda, rhinoceros, hippopotamus
Forest Animals: rat, bat, squirrel, raccoon, fox, porcupine, elk, wolf
Pets: dog, cat, guinea pig, rabbit
Reptiles: lizard, turtle, snake, alligator
Insects/Other: chameleon, caterpillar, cricket, beetle, dragonfly, moth, frog, worm
Birds: dove, macaw, ostrich, turkey, swan, pelican, owl, eagle
Fish/Ocean: fish, crab, dolphin, octopus, seal, walrus, orca whale, whale shark
Vehicles: tricycle, wagon, scooter, moped, canoe, kayak, rowboat, sailboat, airplane, helicopter, ambulance, ship, car, pickup truck, school bus, van
Clothes/Accessories: T-shirt, dress, shorts, sweater, watch, gloves, glasses, hat, ring, bracelet, necklace, earrings, purse, backpack, flip flops, sandals
Musical Instruments: recorder, trumpet, violin, guitar, saxophone, banjo, triangle, harp
Tools: wrench, tape measure, pliers, shovel, screwdriver, screw, axe, drill
Body Parts: eyes, ear, tongue, nose
People/Occupations: mailman, trash collector, plumber, veterinarian
School Supplies: paper, notebook, crayon, markers, glue stick, stapler, lunchbox, desk
Toys: baby doll, play food, bubbles, blocks, play dough, action figure, puzzle, kite
Sports Equipment: tennis racquet, volleyball, skateboard, sled, goggles, golf ball, cleats, football
Furniture: table, chair, crib, couch / sofa, stool, recliner, rug, dresser
Home: television, washer dryer, blender, mixer, refrigerator, oven / stove, dishwasher, microwave, doormat, plant, clock, calendar, hairdryer, toilet, bathtub, sink, fork, spoon, knife, spatula, plate, glass, cup, mug
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