Association Photo Cards

Association Photo Cards
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Help kids build their vocabulary skills with these real-life photo visuals. These cards were created with a simple design to maximize versatility. Make them once and use them all year long.
Adapt them for changing seasons or themes using props and containers.
Pair them with turn-taking games or a child’s special interests to increase motivation.
This instant PDF download includes:
136 real photo cards
136 word cards
Association word list
4 written prompts
1 all in one language worksheet
4 pages of data collection sheets
Examples for use
Use these cards:
•With pre-k through adults
•As an independent task
•With mixed groups.
Vary difficulty:
•For younger children pair photo cards with real objects
•For older children and adults use written words
What you’ll receive:
A digital PDF download (48 pages). No physical product will be shipped.
To use:
You will need to have an up to date version of a PDF Reader like Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open this resource.