Rhyming Mini Books

Rhyming Mini Books
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Mini books are a simple, low-prep activity (or homework). Plus, kids love them! I've also discovered mini books make great sorting cards! This set of 30 rhyming books is an amazing value.
This instant PDF download includes:
Rhyming word list
Directions with picture support
30 Mini books (or cards) for rhyming (30 color/30 black and white)
ab: cab, lab, dab, crab, jab, nab
ack: Jack, back, snack, pack, track
ad: lad, dad, pad, bad, mad, sad
ag: had, rag, bag, flag, stag, brag
all: ball, wall, tall, small, fall, call
am: ram, jam, yam, ham, swam, dam
an: man, van, ran, fan, can, pan
ap: clap, cap, map, gap, snap, nap
ar: scar, jar, char, bar, car, far
at: sat, mat, cat, pat, rat, hat
ed: shed, led, fled, fed, bed, read
eg: leg, beg, Meg, peg, peg leg, keg
en: men, Ben, hen, pen, ten, den
est: nest, rest, pest, vest, best, chest
et: pet, tea set, wet, net, vet, met
ick: chick, lick, ick, sick, kick, stick
ig: pig, big, dig, fig, wig, rig
ill: Jill, Bill, hill, grill, fill, spill
in: chin, shin, twin, fin, grin, win
ing: king, bring, ring, wing, sing, swing
ink: think, rink, ink, link, drink, wink,
ip: sip, chip, dip, tip, ship, rip
it: fit, hit, kit, bit, pit, sit
og: hog, fog, bog, dog, jog, log
op: pop, top, cop, stop, hop, mop
ot: tot, pot, hot, spot, dot, cot
ub: cub, shrub, grub, sub, tub, rub
ug: pug, mug, bug, tug, hug, rug
un: run, sun, nun, water gun, fun, bun
ut: Tut, hut, cut, rut, nut, gut
Kid-friendly directions are included to make this no-prep!
Print, laminate and cut to make cards.
These can be used to play go fish, memory, or with other open-ended games.
All books/cards come in color and printer-friendly black and white. Perfect for take-home practice.
What you’ll receive:
A digital PDF download (10 pages). No physical product will be shipped.
To use:
You will need to have an up-to-date version of a PDF Reader like Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open this resource.
Questions or Concerns?
I’d love to hear from you. Email me: Lia@speechandlanguageathome.com