Yeti Says... (Exclamatory Word Book)

Yeti Says... (Exclamatory Word Book)


This is a digital download. You receive an instant email with a PDF file. No physical materials are mailed.

The Exclamatory Words series was written for children who are not quite ready to produce their first words. Perfect for early intervention, or children who are minimally verbal or non-verbal.

Children with complex communication needs, developmental delays, apraxia, autism, Down syndrome, and individuals using augmentative devices would benefit from these simplified illustrations and vocabulary.

The book can be printed in color for repeated use or black and white to share with families.

This instant PDF download includes:

A six-page book that targets several exclamatory words

(4 color pages to print or 4 black and white pages to print)

Directions for assembly.

Parent letter describing target communication skills:

  • attention

  • joint attention

  • listening

  • pointing

  • imitation

  • commenting

Rubric for parent feedback:

  • sits through story

  • points to pictures

  • says the word with you

  • says the word after you (imitation)

  • says the word on their own

Images for augmentative communication:

  • Go Talk 9+ board


What you’ll receive:

A digital PDF download (10 pages). No physical product will be shipped.

To use:

You will need to have an up-to-date version of a PDF Reader like Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open this resource.

Questions or Concerns?

I’d love to hear from you. Email me:

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Exclamatory Word Book Bundle Exclamatory Word Book Bundle for speech therapy apraxia early intervention

Exclamatory Word Book Bundle

Sale Price:$24.00 Original Price:$30.00

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